How Do I Get In Touch With My Spirit Guides?

People are often asking me to help them to listen to and/or speak with their guides. What they don’t know is that they are already doing it. That they have been doing it all their lives. Just not consciously. Given this, the more appropriate question to ask is, how do I build a better relationship with my guides? The short answer is that if we build a better relationship with ourselves, we will have a better relationship with our spirit guides.

To understand what a good working relationship with our guides looks like, we must first understand what they are and are not. Our guides are those that we have aligned with and pulled into our reality in one way or another. There could have been an agreement before we came here. We could have aligned with certain energies while we were here that pulled them in to help us. There is no set limit on the number of spirit guides someone can or cannot have or the type. There are too many types to list in this article but some of the more popular are those that we have known in this life and past lives and are now in a different space of existence. Those that represent an energy of a deity. Those that are what some see as angels and/or light beings. They normally present themselves as someone or something that we can understand and relate to. Spirit guides often come and go. They are not there at all times. Though they can and do interact with us in this dimension, they exist in another dimensional reality at this time and have things to take care of for themselves. They can be present for us for a period of time and then leave. Why? because we are no longer in need of their assistance. We have learned or received what it is that they can give us.

Just like all other beings that interact with this universe, they follow the law of attraction and the law of free will. They are not in charge, you are. It’s akin to you being someone that has hired a team of people to guide you on a trip. You know what you want to accomplish on your trip and where you want to go but you do not know the way to get there, that is why you hired others to help you. Ultimately though, it is your trip, your experience and your goal so, you must be the one to be very clear as to what your goals are and instruct the team you hired as to what you want to happen. The team then sets out to make it happen but if you do not listen to their areas of expertise with this, you will end up lost. The team will become frustrated if you do not give good instructions because they will try to give you what they think you want and be frustrated by you because you are not being clear enough for them to understand how to fulfill your needs.

Set your intention to speak to them. Every time you start to think of something you want in your life, make the intention to be very clear. You can do this with your voice or with your thoughts and be sure to put as much feeling behind it as you can. Your feelings are your main power of manifestation. Your guides and source energy hear your feelings more clearly than anything else. Giving voice to the feelings, seals the deal. I recommend you start out with simple things. An example could be that you do not like the fact that you cannot afford the food you would prefer to eat. So what you do is see yourself eating the foods that you would prefer. Then you tell them in as much detail as possible, the foods you want to have as part of your reality and on a regular basis. Know that this does not necessarily mean that they will bring you more money, in fact, I did this once and my guides showed me a better store to shop at where better foods were less expensive than the poorer quality foods I was purchasing elsewhere. They also had some neighbors start bringing me foods that I enjoy. We need to be open to the way. Never set a limit on how things need to come about. The only exception to this is if there is some job or some way that is definitely pleasurable to you. Remember though that the law of attraction only hears I do want. It never hears, “I don’t”. So, if you don’t want something, find a way to replace it with a statement of what you do want. An example of this is that it come into your reality in a way that is quite pleasurable for you. See how this leaves things open and yet sets a definite intention? Remember though that depending on your energy alignments, there may be things that you want but you have not learned one thing or another to bring it into your reality and so, the guides will help to guide you to learn what you need to learn in order that you can align your energy with your intentions. So sometimes you will be guided towards something less pleasurable. Just accept this as a lesson  and something you needed to move forward. if you accept it, it will be a lot less challenging.

So how do we communicate with our guides? Remember that I said that you already are? What I mean by that is that every time you express that you want something, they hear you. They hear your thoughts and they do their best to “guide” you to what it is that you want. That is their job in your reality. They act as the go between when it comes to you and source energy. They cannot do anything for you, you still must make it happen by simply opening up the energy and acting in the ways that you are guided to act. They can speak to you in a plethora of ways. They can give you signs if you are looking. I even once had an experience where I was sitting in a public bathroom and someone had written something on a wall that spoke to me about how to find a way to deal with my boss. They can whisper to you. They can put things in your path so that you take notice. They can come into your dreams.  Whenever you feel that feeling in your gut (solar plexus) or in your heart, that is your spirit guides speaking to you. The more you pay attention to that and the more you pay attention to the world around you, the more effective their guidance will be. The more you practice this, the more honed your abilities become in communicated with them and you will find that you will soon be able to communicate directly.

Why use guides instead of direct manifestation? Because it makes life a lot easier to have helpers. You can certainly manifest directly and there are times when that is necessary but it’s much easier to delegate and have others doing a big portion of the work for you. You get more done and with a lot less effort. Why not use everything at your disposal? When life is easier to manage, it makes one’s life a happier place.

I have learned to speak with my guides and yours in order to give you comprehensive guidance in matters that are of importance to you. For information, rates, etc, on my readings, please visit my website at:



Who’s fault is it? Who do you blame? Is there anyone or anything to blame or find fault with?

In a word. No. We hear many spiritual teachers talk about not blaming others or ourselves. We hear them talk about this concept of everything is as it should be. We sometimes hear that we should just love everyone and everything however; it’s not that simple. Conversely; it is that simple. Huh? The paradox here is that it becomes simple when we heal. However; sometimes to heal means to have some sort of understanding of why something is happening and what it means to us. Being consciously aware is part of the key to healing. The main concept to understand in order to make sense of these things is energy alignments. Once we really start to understand the ways that energy aligns, we can then become free of blaming ourselves and others for what is happening or has happened in the past.

What I see and hear from people working on healing and spiritual evolution is that they begin to blame themselves for everything. They work to resonate away from blaming others but they do not understand that blaming themselves is worse. What this can look like is well; it was me who did this or that, it was my fault, I should not do this or I should not have done that. I will tell you that if something happened in your reality, it is what is supposed to have happened. It was you aligning with a situation in whatever way you did, in order to learn what you came here to learn. Conversely; if there was in interaction, there is something that those you were interacting with aligned with in order to learn what they came here to learn. How does this work? Well, if we understand free will, we have the answer (see my article on free will for further understanding Everything that happens in our life is something that we have aligned with to give us a plethora of opportunities. We are certainly responsible but we are not to blame. Something that looks like pain for ourselves or for others is an alignment as well as things that look and feel like joy or any other feeling that a situation may be giving us.

There are so many ways that these alignments can happen that it is impossible to list them all here but I will give you some examples. Say you were in an abusive relationship; someone was just awful to you in whatever way. You may have aligned with this experience in order to heal some of the false programming from your childhood. There is something that needs to be healed, there is not something wrong with you personally. So you gave yourself the opportunity to heal through this experience. If the opportunity is not seized, you will create a pattern on some level or another in order to continue to give yourself the opportunity. The feelings need to be felt over and over again to alert you to the fact that something needs to be healed. The person that is abusing you has also aligned with something they need healed. Their anger is alerting them to the fact that they need to heal something. You may have chosen to align with the experiences you had as a child to push you to learn all sorts of things and you continue to want to teach yourself. Energy alignments are not usually very conscious until we understand that we are aligning with things and we begin healing ourselves.

Another sort of alignment that we may consider to be positive is that you aligned yourself with a job you have been wanting for a long time. This sort of alignment is often more conscious because you may have consciously worked towards the goal of getting this sort of position for a long time. But what about the person that worked harder and shined brighter but didn’t get the job? They are not in alignment with it. You were because your energy was there. You believed it with all your heart. They may have doubts. Things lingering in the background of their mind from childhood or other experiences that are not healed enough to cause the energy alignment they were looking for. The person that got the job was necessarily more healthy or evolved, their energy was simply aligned to the experience. They may have many more issues somewhere else in their reality but those issues are not out of line with them being able to create the job they wanted. Perhaps the job is in alignment with one person because they have a lot to learn by taking the position while the person that did not get the job stands little to gain from it. Remember too that there are other people involved. The energies of people such as those we will be working with, customers, etc, have to be in alignment with our energies.

Ultimately, the law of attraction says that what we want has to come into our reality. There are many clauses though. We have to truly want it. We have to truly want it with every fiber of who we are. We have to be able to feel what we want. When we own it, feel it and know it, it has to come into being. However; the way that the guides and source energies work to get you there can be painful, it can feel crazy, etc. Your energy has to be in alignment with others involved and you must clear out anything that is preventing you from having what you are attempting to align with. So, the tools will be provided. The tools may look like, ways to take better care of your physical health, ways to work on healing, a stepping stone such as going back to school or getting material things in your reality that don’t seem associated but are and sometimes bringing someone into your life that has no logical association with what you want but there is a round about way they are associated with it. The person could simply be there to help provide you with the energy to push you towards what you want. All of these things are energy alignments that you created because you are telling the universe what you want.

Telling the universe what you do not want is akin to telling it that you want it. Huh? source energy does not understand I don’t. Say you say that you do not want to be in a relationship that is not loving. It will hear that you want to be in a relationship that is not loving and provide you that. It’s fine to recognize what you do not want, that can lead you to realizing what you do want when you ask yourself why you don’t want it. However; do your best to not align with the energy of what you do not want. Decide to get into a space of non-resistance to it (To learn how to be in a space of non-resistance please see my blog on non-resistance

Asking ourselves how we aligned with people, places things and experiences is very empowering. It’s one of the most self aware exercises we can do for ourselves. However; if we are asking ourselves from the space of our brain, we will normally get a skewed answer. Our brains have been falsely programmed with a plethora of false emotions. Instead, as yourself how you feel and then feel the feelings that resonate in your body. That is where the truth lies. Be prepared for the answer that you receive because it is not often obvious to you and particularly when you first start to practice learning how your energies are aligning and why.

I would love to hear some of the ways that you have realized that your energy has aligned with certain experiences. If you are confused about them, I can help guide you to realize them and work to get into alignment with what you really want in your life.

Professional appointments can be arranged with me by visiting my website at:



How Do I know I Have Met My Twin Flame?

To put it simply, you just know. You know in your heart. You can feel it deep down in your soul. There is nothing logical about it. As a matter of fact; attempting to use logic, what we have experienced in previous relationships, what we have learned from our parents, what we have learned from society at large about love and relationships, goes out the window when it comes to twins. I could give you a list of possible phenomena and feelings that can occur in a twin flame union but I believe that these lists just add to the confusion. Why? because each set of twins is unique. Each person is unique and each person within the twin flame union is unique.

I  have met twins that worked very hard on coming into self love through spiritual training throughout their lifetimes and met their twins after. I have also met twins that had absolutely no spiritual training or concept of striving towards self love before they met their twins. Because these people were at different phases of their own growth, what they experienced and are experiencing with regard to their twin flame union is unique to them and their union. The only true similarity is that deep down inside themselves, they know. They may not be acknowledging it because it seems to crazy. It seems too out of sync with what we are told a loving relationship “should” be like. This is because the purpose of the twin flame union is expanded awareness. It serves the twin’s expansion and once both come to a certain level of expansion; it serves others that may or may not be in a twin flame union.

It is true that twin flames experience a longing. It is a longing to be with the self. To love the self completely and unconditionally. Only through loving the self this way can we love another in the same manner. So the longing that we feel as twins is not about the “other” half of us. It is a longing to feel whole and complete within the self. Free from the shackles of what we have been taught is worthy of being loved. Loving the self with all it’s perceived imperfections. The imperfections in ourselves and in the other are simply an illusion that keeps us from love and at the same time, when these are challenged, they serve to bring us further into love. The more we love the self without expectations and conditions, we begin to attract those around us that will love us the same way. We resonate an energy that brings it to us and brings it to others around us. The energy resonates and cuts through the illusions of those around us and brings them closer to truly loving themselves.

Because I have had the twin experience; I can tell whether someone is a twin or if they are having some other type of divine experience. If the twins are merged enough (this can happen before complete physical union and it can happen well after physical union) I get a bolt of energy sent to my heart when one twin is speaking about the other. It is a burst of love energy and feels wonderful. Every awakened twin I know has had a similar experience when speaking with other twins. If the twins are not merged enough to have this energy resonating there are other ways I can tell. I ask source energies. I also receive energies that indicate other types of divine connections. In my experience, divine connections are always a type of soul mate and the only exception is the twin. Soul mate connections are always profound and they are not necessarily based in a connection that has anything sexual attached to them. Though they can be. The twin connection is simply different. It is not somehow superior. As a matter of fact, the very idea of superior keeps us from unconditional love.

There are people that may not have a need to be with a twin in this lifetime because they are capable of achieving the expanded awareness that the seek without it. There are just no rules when it comes to love. The only rules in life are those that we place upon life. So why would one think that there are rules governing who or who cannot connect in with their twins or rules as to how to go about maintaining the connection and/or reuniting that apply to everyone? Or rules that govern what a twin connection looks like? There are not. There are way too many variable for this. It is why it is important to find the truth within the self.

This said; it is useful to seek out help from another that you feel you resonate with. Be aware that for guidance to be effective it will  look like someone helping you to find your self love and your own awareness. A good spiritual guide answers your questions but does not have all the answers for you. The reason for this is that if you you are simply given all the answers, you will be prevented from learning self empowerment which is a big part of self love. It is ultimately up to you to do the work. I can guide you as to the where and how of the work and I am happy to do so. I have done this for many that have found a profoundness within themselves that they never knew existed.

This is a good exercise to help you to determine whether or not you have met your twin.  Meditate with the purpose of being in a state of allowing. Allowing for the flow of information and for the flow of self love. Then go A  deep into your heart you possibly can and ask yourself if you have met your twin. That my dear is how you know. Your feelings will tell you. Your brain does not have the answer. Your heart does.

If you would like professional, spiritual guidance to help you along your path. Please visit my website for details on how to arrange an appointment with me at:

